Be Ready to Brave Winter at Home

Winter is here and storms of every kind will be swirling and rumbling over the next few months. Now is the time to prep your home so that when that unexpected blizzard or three-day rain hits, you won’t be left in the cold in your own house.

-Make sure you have extra flashlights and batteries in the event the electricity goes out for longer than a few minutes.
-Your first aid kit needs to be stocked because cuts happen anytime.
-Keep extra food in the cupboards that you can prepare without electricity such as dried fruit, nuts, cereal and granola bars. You may not have a way to heat anything up so snacks are important.
-Make sure you have some bottled water stored away because your pipes may freeze.
-Your prescription medicine should be full before the onset of the storm just in case you can’t run to the pharmacy for a refill. -Don’t let your furry loved ones go hungry. Keep extra food and water on hand for them.
-Review your generator instructions so you’ll be ready to fire it up when it’s needed.
-Having some flameless candles on hand will keep the area bright and safe from potential fire.
Stay warm and remember, technology will be back in no time so enjoy the peace and quiet of the storm.