Empower Your Business With a Backup Generator

Every year more than two million businesses experience a power outage that lasts eight hours or longer. And those power outages cost more than $120 in lost revenue. Don’t let this happen to you because it could mean long-lasting damage to your brand’s reputation.
A backup generator is an integral part of the planning process for a business of any size and can greatly reduce business interruption when normal power isn’t available.
The right size generator is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. You don’t want to overpower the system but pick one that will keep your business up and running. Think about what the most likely sources of power outages are in your area and how often you’ve lost power in the past and for how long.
You can choose a portable generator or one that is truly a backup power system to what you have in place.
A portable generator is a small machine that’s usually rated no higher than 15 kilowatts and 240 volts and is intended to be moved and use for temporary use in a location where the electric power isn’t available.
A stand-by generator is a back-up system that is permanently installed and is operated automatically at a transfer switch which can sense the power loss.
Proper ventilation is critical when using a generator to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning from the generator’s engine exhaust.
No matter your needs a back-up generator is the best way to ensure your business can stay up and running no matter the weather outside.