Let's Play Ball! | C&S Enterprise Electrical

Who else besides C&S Enterprise Electrical can’t wait to hear the words, “Let’s play ball!”? We hope you’re excited, too, about a new spring sports’ season ahead. But first things first, how’s the lighting of your team’s field? Because the last thing you want is a player injured due to poor lighting.

Let’s Light It Up

Spring sports bring a new level of lighting to the “field.” Because most sporting events during the spring season are held outside, their lighting levels differ than those of sports held inside an arena. Fortunately, C&S Enterprise Electrical has just the lighting your team needs for optimal playing conditions this season!

LED lighting allows the right amount of light to shine for optimal viewing by players, coaches and fans. Glare control is also an important feature most fields need, especially since the sun comes into play for some games, depending on the timing of the event.

Placement is another important key for ensuring a field is lit properly. You don’t want one area receiving too much light and another area to remain completely in darkness, which is why it is vital that before the sports season officially begins, C&S Enterprise Electrical is on the job to ensure everything is lit and ready to go!

C&S Enterprise Electrical wants to make sure your sports venue is ready to go this spring season, so give us a call for an appointment today!