Live Chat Can Be a Boost to Customer Service
Every business wants a great customer experience for those they serve and having support that surpasses expectations is a vital key to success.
Out of all the customer service methods available, email, phone or chat, live chat is by far the simplest, fastest and least obtrusive. It’s no surprise that almost a third of consumers are now expecting live chat to be available on any business website.
Customers prefer live chat because they like that it’s familiar, private, quick and most importantly, convenient.
Live chat is much more than just providing on-demand support; it also converts customers. A stunning 77 percent of online shoppers want to get in touch with a real person before they make a purchase.
This is important for those 55 percent of customers who are likely to abandon their online purchase if they are not able to get a quick answer to their question.
Customer information can be gathered easily with the data provided from live chat software, including the consumer’s location, behavior and the devices they are using. It offers an additional channel for gathering customer feedback and a valuable opportunity to ask visitors questions so that the best sales approach can be identified.
Don’t skimp on customer service and your business will reap the benefits.